2025 CEEQA Jury Nominations Form
Decision Making
Welcome to the first step in the judging process for the 2025 edition of CEEQA.
The role of the 2025 CEEQA Jury is to nominate and judge the best buildings, companies and people across the CEE & SEE real estate market place during the 2024 calendar year, in any of the following 18 countries:
This round of voting we ask all jury members to complete the Jury Nominations form below with your suggestions of likely category winners in any of the following 18 countries:
Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia
Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Ukraine
Nominated candidates will be invited to submit an entry form in the respective category to be included in the judging materials voted on by the CEEQA Jury in the first online round of judging in March 2025.
Click SUBMIT to send your nominations automatically to the organiser only when your form is fully completed. Jurors are not obliged to nominate candidates in every category, we recommend you focus on the categories you know well.
Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us on T +48 502 201 080 or email info@ceeqa.com.
What is a CEEQA Jury nomination?
In this round of voting we ask you simply to suggest up to five candidates (a minimum of two) in the award categories you feel most equipped to judge. By completing this form you help to make the initial selection of prospective candidates for the awards.
You are only required to provide basic information for nominees in the columns provided on the form. The CEEQA team will research and fact-check nominees submitted for fuller information, in order to invite a full entry on behalf of the nominee.
Can I nominate a candidate I am professionally involved with?
In this Jury Nominations round you can nominate any project, company or person for an award whether they involve a professional conflict or not.
During further voting rounds you will be asked to declare a professional interest (PI) on any award entry you have an ownership involvement with (e.g., this does not apply to professional relationships as a consultant or adviser), that you are being asked to judge, the full definition of PI will be explained in the judging guidelines sent to you when the judging begins.
What am I looking for?
The key judging criteria are listed below at the top of each award category. Please take particular note of the following:
Innovation counts: Architectural and interior design, operational efficiency, ESG and sustainability innovation, and other features, that enhance the tenant appeal and potential investment value of a project are paramount.
Size doesn’t matter: While due consideration may be given to size and volume in judging an award, consideration should also be given to relative achievement and market impact, market conditions, etc., as well as to relative performance in other listed criteria for a specific award.
Location: The awards are for business performance & achievement in the group emerging European markets undergoing political and economic transformation and entry into the private capital markets since 1989. As a regional business awards it is important you do not restrict your suggestions to one country if you are aware of other successful projects or business achievements in other countries covered by the region.
NOTE: You may only nominate real estate projects, companies or industry professionals active in the 18 countries covered by the CEEQA awards (see list above).
What happens next?
Your nominations must be submitted by 10 December 2024 to qualify. If we have any questions regarding your nominations we will get in touch with you.