Encouraging thought leadership & business excellence
building the future of New Europe

2007 Insights

CEE Retail Revolution

The credit crunch and green design were the twin focus as more than 100 of the sector’s top professionals gathered in Bucharest to hear Edgar Rosenmayr, Chief Investment Officer of one of the leading investors in the region and veteran of the EBRD, predict a squeeze in financing for secondary city investments and also retail projects in the “new” markets of Bucharest and Kiev directly as a direct result of the transatlantic credit crunch – Read more

Square Deals

Proceedings were opened by real estate legend Cor van Zadelhoff, founder of DTZ, with a collection of some of the sector’s leading investors, developers, banks and consultants discussing likely impact on demand of improvements in legal infrastructure for land acquisition and land title in the more mature EU-accessed CEE countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Baltic States) as well as the more opportunistic markets of Romania and Ukraine, presenting new challenges to established developers and investors, including long term equity-only land banking as well as alternative acquisition strategies such as urban regeneration and PPP – Read more

Green Debate

The first Green Debate meeting of CEE Insight Forum was held at a time when thought and action in sustainable development were a thing of the future, most investors and developers were wary of the business case. A Key Note address by Professor Bob Evans, Director of the Sustainable Cities Research Institute in the UK, focused on the ethical case for greener building and impact of the built environment on climate change, with presentations by the City of Warsaw, Arup and EC Harris – Read more


Cee Markets:

Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine

See Markets:

Albania, Bosnia & Hercegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia

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